Awkward Medic

First the exciting standard disclaimers!
  • HIPAA is specific about what is covered under the privacy rules.  No customer’s name, age, date of birth, address or social security number, etc. be divulged as part of this blog.
  • My employer does not endorse this forum.
  • All published materials are the opinions and viewpoints of myself and any commenters they do not represent any agency, government, or other legal  entity.

My EMS experience is all in NJ.  It started as a volunteer EMT-B in 1997 and as a paramedic since 2001 working in a variety of units and systems from rural (and yes, rural areas do exist in NJ) to dense urban.  

For those not familiar, NJ is a tiered system by statute with basic life support and 'first aid' provided by any variety of municipal, county, FD, and non-governmental organizations staffed with volunteer, career, or hybrid staffing configurations; all paramedic-level care is provided through hospitals or hospital-service corporations with career paramedics (MICPs) and prehospital nurses (we call them MICNs).

The professional letters that I can put behind my name grow frequently, but I prefer to stick with MICP since it is the one I love the most and my proudest professional accomplishment so far.  

My blog is for cathartic purposes.  I try every day to treat every patient like I would want (both emotionally and clinically) and hope that I can find enough like-minded people to remain sane and satisfied in EMS.  EMS 2.0 is a great starting point for understanding my point of view.